Post by Jaycee on Oct 6, 2008 19:05:37 GMT -5
How is it going tonight?
Post by silverphoenix69 on Oct 7, 2008 1:11:37 GMT -5
I tried Jasmine's idea about the olive oil and it worked a bit better. Gloria and Bandit were eating the chicken, at least a couple of pieces on their own. Laura licked the chicken but didn't eat any other then the two from my hand, and Drake at a few pieces from my hand, but didn't touch the plate. So I dusted half the plate with some kibble and put them in their cage for now (they are NOT happy with me for that). So far so good, hopefully this works in getting them started. I just hope that I don't miss one of them not eating... I'm really nervous that I'm going to do something wrong, and hurt my kids . I know that it will help them, but I guess I'm always thinking the "what if's". Sorry, ranting my weirdness.
Post by buzzonesbirdie on Oct 7, 2008 6:48:23 GMT -5
Well Im glad that the olive oil helped some. Putting them in the cage with the kibble dusted chicken was a good idea too (even if they dont think so ). I think we have all gone through the what if's when switching the ferrets. T ake a deep breath and we will help you make sure that the babies are taken care off
Post by silverphoenix69 on Oct 7, 2008 13:51:37 GMT -5
It was a no go in the cage last night again I saw a way of switching that involves caned food...Is there a way to try it that way? Or is it pretty much the same as the soupies? If I do the soupie way, how long will they have diarrhea? They eat my duck soup no problem, even Laura, though she does those little licks even with the duck soup. How would I go about making a raw duck soup?
Post by Jaycee on Oct 7, 2008 18:16:39 GMT -5
Mine didn't have the loose stools for long....but as soon as they start eating the soupie it can begin to be made thicker until they are eating whole chunks. Then you get the nice firm poo we all have grown to love! I don't know much about the canned foods, but wouldn't they be full of preservatives? Have you tried chicken tug of war with them? That is how I got several of mine to switch to pork. Make eating a game for them!
Post by Forum Administrator on Oct 7, 2008 18:24:57 GMT -5
The canning process actually eliminates the needs for preservatives, although there ARE some brands that have them (dont know why).
If your ferrets are already eating a duk soup, then I would recommend switching them to a RAW duk soup and then slowly mixing in chunks to the soup. Here is my recipie for a raw duk soup, its pretty easy to make:
8 oz raw chicken thigh meat (no bone, but do use the skin, meat, and fat) 1 tsp of crushed eggshells (wash the shell out, dry, and crush to as fine a powder as possible) 1 raw chicken heart 1/2 raw chicken liver A few drops of ferretone or better yet, fish body oil (I like Nature Made Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsules) Water sufficient for processing
Blend this up in a blender, you can add in some crushed kibble on the top, to get them interested. You can also warm this slightly. Take a spoon and spoon feed them some of this. Most ferrets will take to the soup right away, especially if they are already eating another type of duk soup. From there you would slowly slip in chunks of raw meat, starting out with teeny tiny pieces and then working up to larger pieces.
Usually there is some runny poop, but if you replace the "water sufficient for processing" with unflavored pedialyte (and you fill their water bowl/bottle with a 50-50 mix of water and unflavored pedialyte) they should be just fine, hydration wise.
Another option is to buy pre-made ground raw mixes that contain the proper ratio of meat/bone/organ. Hare Today, Gone Tommorow (google them) is a good company. I like their FINE GROUND raw mixes, and they are actually very cheap compared to other commercial ground raw foods.
Then there is the option to grind your own meat/bone/organ. One of our members just purchased a meat grinder and is going this route.
The canned food method is the same as the soup method. You just slowly add chunks of raw meat, gradually making the pieces bigger. For canned foods I recommend EVO Feline (canned foods).
Post by silverphoenix69 on Oct 7, 2008 18:57:36 GMT -5
Then you get the nice firm poo we all have grown to love! LOL hahah yep! I never thought I'd be worried about poops as much as I am now haha Have you tried chicken tug of war with them? That is how I got several of mine to switch to pork. Make eating a game for them! I actually thought of doing that today, bought some split chicken wings. Thanks for the recipe Giuliana, it is pretty close to my duck soup one LOL so I'm sure they'll take to it no problem. I no nothing about pedialyte, or even where to buy it. My mom said you can get it at a drug store, but she's never heard of unflavoured. Will it hurt them to give them so much of it? In the soup and in their water? Would just putting it in their soup be good enough? I also ordered some Nature's variety Chicken, the store I go to doesn't carry it right now, because they don't have enough freezer space, but she said it'll be in next Wednesday. I'll try them on that as well. Can you buy Hare today, gone tomorrow in pet stores? I don't have a credit card so I can't order things online. Ok. I'll start the soup way tomorrow. Am I leaving soup available to them 24/7? No kibble? Give new as needed? Also is soup good for 8 hours or is it longer? All these times ahhh! Can't keep them straight! Thanks so much Jaycee, Giuliana, and Jasmine as well. I'm trying I swear
Post by Forum Administrator on Oct 7, 2008 19:20:14 GMT -5
Hare Today, Gone tommorow isn't in stores (atleast I dont think so). NV will be just fine, its just that it costs a little more then hare today You are doing fine, don't stress! I'll let Jaycee answer your other questions, I can answer them myself, but she needs the practice.
Post by silverphoenix69 on Oct 7, 2008 22:16:16 GMT -5
Thanks Giuli and I don't mind who answers them LOL Your both great in my books...Well everyone here is! and OMG!!! Gloria is chowing down on a chicken wing as I type! You all probably know the feeling that I felt when I heard a bone crunch! LOL I wanted to jump up and down AHHH!!!
Post by silverphoenix69 on Oct 7, 2008 22:52:31 GMT -5
Sadly she's the only one that will even try it...Bandit's mad at me
Post by Forum Administrator on Oct 8, 2008 0:21:06 GMT -5
Don't worry! If Gloria is crunching away that is one ferret down! I'm so proud of her! Don't worry, the others will come around. Keep offering Gloria chicken wings. Once she seems to have a good handle on munching them, you can offer her a chicken leg (she'll eat the ends of the bone, but will probably leave the middle part. That's okay) and chicken thighs. In the mean time, we will focus on the others. \
Post by silverphoenix69 on Oct 8, 2008 0:32:28 GMT -5
I'm surprised she is being so good for me. She's my oldest, and Bandit usually eats anything. Laura was watching her eat it, but would only give one lick. Bandit was acting like I was trying to kill him when I was trying to get him to play tug of war with it. And Drake is just Drake LOL. I'll do the soup, as well as still offering Gloria the wings. She did pretty good with it, seemed to really like the cartilage(? the white part covering the bone/marrow?) and marrow. I don't no now much meat she actually ate, but she did eat a good bit of the skin on one side. Why can't they all just eat the raw!? *hits head* Anyways, thanks Giuli I'm VERY proud of her as well. She is such a good girl. Hopefully she keeps at the wings. Is it ok to keep giving her wings? (and I bought split wings, so its not a full wing)
Post by buzzonesbirdie on Oct 8, 2008 10:55:30 GMT -5
About the pedylite--I have two kids under the age of 7 so i keep it in the house--
Anyway Yes it comes unflavored and i buy it usually either in the drug store or in the grocery store ( it would be in the baby section)
Hope that helps
Post by Forum Administrator on Oct 8, 2008 13:10:12 GMT -5
Also, after 72 hours after being opened the pedialyte no longer will contain the electrolytes. Freeze any unused portion in the freezer (an ice cube tray works well) and make sure your ferret consumes all the pedialyte you put out for them within 72 hours, otherwise replace the leftovers with fresh pedialyte.
You can buy name-brand pedialyte but generic store brand is just fine. You can find it at target, walgreens, walmart, and your local grocery store.
Post by silverphoenix69 on Oct 8, 2008 14:33:25 GMT -5
Thanks for the info Jasmine and Giuli. I don't no how much I'll be on in the next few days, but I won't be able to go near my kids. I have a cold or flu or something and I'm not gonna take the chance of them getting sick. I woke up feeling like cr*p. So the soupie will have to wait a few days until I'm not "sick" anymore its 3:30pm and I just woke up, but I'm soooo ready to go back to bed. So if I don't reply, thats why