Post by desertram on Jan 19, 2009 19:11:30 GMT -5
i know its awesome that she is eatting meat woohoo little miss princess is now a meat eatter oh u bet i will let know when i do the baby food lol she is so funny. i just got a card in the mail that oso is due for his check up and shots and i also need to get the other kids going on theres. i can get them done at work but i dont know the vet comes up from phx and i want to know if they keep all the shots cold etc just worried about that u know? but these little brats are so funny running and jumpping and getting into everything like ferrets do lmao
Post by mustelidmusk on Jan 21, 2009 0:04:09 GMT -5
Are you doing distemper boosters? I tested my brats' titers last year. The 3 older ferts had been given their baby series and their 1-yesr booster - they had outstanding titers. My younger ferret had only had his baby series (he's the baby) and no boosters. he had marginal coverage. So....he got a booster last year I'll be curious to see if his titer is really strong like the other 3 when he gets tested this year.
So, some people adhere to the following protocol for distemper: baby series 1 year booster booster every 3rd year thereafter (4 & 7 if the ferret is still healthy at 7)
I plan to do the same as above, but, I'll check titers before givng any distemper shots. most people don't check titers, but the Mongo distemper fund is cheap - only $10. per ferret (and of course, the office visit in't covered)
I don't give rabies shots. It require by law but my vet knows that we don't have our ferts outside, and they come in contact with very few people. If they get out in my neighborhood, there's a greater chance they'll be eaten by the coyotes. The coyotes have started attacking dogs and people in open space. People have started getting their dogs attached and stollen right off the leash when walking them in open space. Last week a woman was attacked while walking her Golden Retreiver. She's OK, and so is her dog - but as you can see, this is a serious issue. My house is right on open space. There are mountain lions out back as well - not to mention all the raptors...... This is why the brats have their own room upstairs. The have free run in that room. Other than that, they get to play in the other rooms upstairs under close supervision only!
I hope the vet trip goes well. Most ferrets don't have trouble with the shots, but it's still a concern all owners hve when shots are given.
Post by desertram on Jan 25, 2009 21:25:53 GMT -5
yea i here ya i need to get these bratts in for all theres but oso is 1st lol i do give rabies as they do go out and are around other ppl and ferrets so i want to make sure they are protected just don t want to take a chance with them. they seem to do really good but i am behind on them lol i guess it can happen but they are all doing good on there food even the little princess
Post by mustelidmusk on Jan 29, 2009 23:36:02 GMT -5