Going Natural
Forum Artist Extraordinaire[/color]
Posts: 165
Post by nibblesandspazz on Dec 24, 2009 1:32:56 GMT -5
I accidentally discovered something my sweet little tigger loves more than bells. all 3 of my fuzzies were playing on the floor while i was cleaning their cage. my sister was supervising their playtime and as i was cleaning i heard a rattling and rustling noise. i look down and only see spazz and nibbles. after a minute or two i realize tigger opened the bottom drawer of our storage bin and was playing in all the loose "unbreakable" bulb ornaments. the mini plastic kind. she had a blast and somehow got 1 bulb out. she chased that thing all over the room for a good 15 minutes before spazz tackled her and tried to steal her new toy. they wrestled over it for a few minutes til they saw nibbles start scooting it. they cant get a grip on it very well so it was always flying across the carpeted room. i'll let them play with the bulbs from now on but only supervised
Post by sherrylynne on Dec 24, 2009 23:24:43 GMT -5
She found a shiny, sparkly new ball mamma! Happy fuzzes are wonderful things, aren't they
Post by novemberkris on Dec 29, 2009 17:12:28 GMT -5
Paulie's holiday favorites include Easter eggs and tissue paper filled clothes boxes. The Easter eggs are like three toys in one. There's the egg, then whatever fun things you can fit inside, and then the halves of eggs that are awesome to roll and stash. He has them hidden everywhere! He also loves those clothes boxes filled with tissue paper. He can open them, drop toys in them, make tunnels out of them. (He thinks they were his Christmas presents). Holidays can be fun times for ferrets, if you are ferret proofing your holidays.
Going Natural
Forum Artist Extraordinaire[/color]
Posts: 165
Post by nibblesandspazz on Dec 29, 2009 21:46:55 GMT -5
those are great ideas. I will have to get my kids some easter eggs this easter. I worry they would get the eggs open if I put something inside it. what kinds of things do you put in yours and can they open the eggs? also are the shiny metallic looking ones dangerous? I worry the metalic paint would come off. as for tissue paper my 3 just dont seem to care for it, but I'm glad yours do. it must be fun to watch them play in it
Post by novemberkris on Dec 30, 2009 9:50:01 GMT -5
Before I went raw, I would sometimes put treats in them. I've tried since then to introduce whole meat pet jerky, but Paulie doesn't like that. Depending on the size of the egg, I can fit his other toys inside and then he's like "Hey, that's where you hid that" *stash*. Rattly balls are great inside the eggs. Little plushies as well. I definitely don't put anything in he could mistake for food that isn't, since he gets them open eventually (I haven't seen how, but I think he rolls them against things until they pop open). I would definitely not get metallic painted ones. Paulie likes to run the halves of eggs (and whole eggs) against the wall when they are upside down. Then he tries to bite it to flip it or carry it away and it definitely scrapes at the egg. (He does the same with rattly ping pong balls until he finally pokes holes with his teeth and gets those taken away). If you know how to crochet, you can also make crocheted eggs and put bells inside (I've done this with a few balls I didn't think would hold up to Paulie's teeth without a cover). He loves that he can roll and carry those. (You can also order those from several people online.) Hope that helps . After Easter you can get them for 25 cents a package sometimes. Cheapest toys ever--and I so plan to make a dig box of one sometime so he has a "ball pit")
Post by sherrylynne on Dec 30, 2009 23:06:36 GMT -5
I use dried beans in them(easter eggs) and just crochet covers for them!