Post by sherrylynne on Jun 10, 2009 23:42:59 GMT -5
I'm seriously considering using this for one of my cats. He's totally senile, and becoming somewhat aggressive with the other animals. My question is, since it goes in the water, should I be concerned about the fuzzies? They frequently drink from the same dishes when they are out and about. And does anyone know if the dosage for a 16lb cat would be any danger to the ferrets?
Post by Heather on Jun 11, 2009 0:27:03 GMT -5
It won't cause them any harm...you might have some mellowed out fuzzies but it certainly won't harm them. I quite often use it especially when introducing a new fuzzy to the business. I also use it full strength in emergencies and also use it whenever one of the furbabies is injured or in distress (everything from going to the vets to shelter shock...which by the way this stuff is a godsend). Good luck with your kitty, I hope it works...you can also look up some of the other Bach remedies that might also work better for the individual needs of your kitty. You can mix as many as 3 different remedies for mulitple solutions (you quite often will find overlapping remedies, for example Beech is used for intolerance to create a mind of greater flexibility, but you find that agrimony can be used to treat concealed distress and create inner peace). For example your kitty....might need some holly for intolerance, and cherry plum for uncontrollable behaviours. You can also apply directly to a nose tip or rub a dab in their ears to get more direct results. ciao
Post by sherrylynne on Jun 11, 2009 9:54:33 GMT -5
Thanks, Heather! I'd love to be able to mix up what I need, but don't know anywhere near enough to do that confidently.
Post by sherrylynne on Jun 13, 2009 0:47:28 GMT -5
Ok, I picked up the rescue remedy, but the dosages on the package are for people. How much should I be putting in the various water dishes around the house? Considering that the ones drinking from it will range from less than 1lb, to over 16lbs.(I'm hoping it will help Willow as well!)
Post by Heather on Jun 13, 2009 15:27:27 GMT -5
I use about 10 drops....remember its dosing is rather like a homeopathic. Size and dilution (what you put it in) aren't necessarily taken into account...it's difficult to explain . That's why it works if you put a drop on their noses (emergency type application), you can also rub some on their ears. We're very used to looking at allopathic applications where 1 tsp is the solution and you take it for 10 days and that's that. This is different. Try 10 drops and see if you see anything happen. It will be subtle at first. Then very gradually you will see a change, always subtle because that's how this works. The furchild is less depressed, calmer, easier to work with....it's minor things but when it adds up it equals a change. Let me know how it works ciao
Post by Kerit on Jun 13, 2009 18:15:34 GMT -5
Dunno what package/bottle you have, but "for dogs, cats and horses" the page at DFS says: Suggested Use Drops: Four drops in mouth, water dish, or food, as needed. Spray: Bring nozzle to pet's tongue and apply 2 sprays on the tongue. www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=1233 I'm sure they got that from some Bach's source or it couldn't go online. I'm also sure that it's mostly an estimate and that Heather's advice is just as good if not better, since she's actually used it!
Post by sherrylynne on Jun 13, 2009 21:16:48 GMT -5
Thanks, Heather and Kerit! I'm going to start using it tomorrow, see what happens! I'm also going to try putting some in Mr. Stubbs food, since he's on straight wet, and doesn't drink a lot of extra fluids.
Post by Heather on Jun 13, 2009 23:19:19 GMT -5
After reading Kerit's post, I thought I might have been mistaken and checked the bottle. My bottle says to use 10 drops...so use at your descretion . Like I said, the measurements are not necessarily important. A drop on each ear, a drop on the nose....drops in the water. I hope it works for you If you're feeling particularly stressed try some yourself...it work ciao
Post by Heather on Jun 13, 2009 23:22:58 GMT -5
Just thought of something...it happens sometimes What are his symptoms. You mention senility and aggression...can you narrow this down. Is he restless, territorial, lost....?? ciao
Post by sherrylynne on Jun 14, 2009 9:41:31 GMT -5
He's had a total blood workup, so everything is fine physically. For his symptoms, he'll forget to eat, unless he's isolated with the dish for about an hour. He wanders around vocalizing, like he's not sure where he is. He wants to go outside(supervised only), but spooks easily. He uses the ferret litter boxes upstairs, because he's now afraid of the basement. He sometimes has trouble figuring out which box he's supposed to pee in. He'll race from box to box, before he finally has to go so bad, he barely has time to squat. There have been times when he's missed the box because of this. All in all, he acts totally confused most days. Other days, he's more like his old self, and will actually play! That's why I want to find something to help him relax. I've seriously considered helping him cross the bridge, simply because he can be so unhappy for several days in a row, but then- he'll decide to stay outside with us for 30 minutes, and enjoy every bit of it. He still purrs with a vengeance when you pet him, still likes his floor cuddles(never liked being picked up), still drools like a maniac when he's happy(always has, since day one ), and is fine physically. If he could just relax a bit, he'd be a lot happier!
Post by Heather on Jun 14, 2009 12:58:02 GMT -5
Do you mind if I post this to another Natural list....they have a lot of cat people there and they also deal with senior and kitty issues both physical and mental. I think Bach Flower remedies might indeed help him. I dabble, but there are people on that list that really know how to work these. Usually, when I play with it, I will write up my issue, my solution, posting the remedies that I would use and get them to tell me if I'm right or wrong or what I should do. Let me know if you want to give it a go ciao
Post by sherrylynne on Jun 14, 2009 21:23:07 GMT -5
I'm more than game for that, Heather! Thanks. The main thing is to try to get him feeling better(as much as possible). Right now, he's generally a very unhappy cat.