Post by shukumei on Jan 12, 2011 10:03:43 GMT -5
Here is a link of what I basically saw on CNN - www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/01/11/missouri.ferret.fingers/I heard the ferret was thrown against the wall though but in the article it said "The dad killed the pet by hurling it across the house" :X You will notice the family has had trouble. Ahhh poor baby =(
Post by sherrylynne on Jan 12, 2011 10:39:24 GMT -5
Personally, these parents prove to me yet again that a spay/neuter program for some people is not a bad idea!
Post by comadrejaloquita14 on Jan 12, 2011 11:33:17 GMT -5
I don't mean to sound whiney or complainy, but today has been a real CRAPY day for me! I've been having health issues lately, and having to have all kinds of tests and all that is always crappy anyway.... I had an appt today and it didn't go very well... and I have another tomorrow But THIS Police: Young Child Loses 7 Fingers to Family Ferret was on the news today, and online........ and its ALL I've heard about all day!! I feel like I have been chastised and bullied. Some people have been telling me I need to get rid of my ferrets, one of my "friends" has yelled at me because Izzy comes to work with me (I work at a day care) and I am just "asking for it." EVEN WORSE is that I feed RAW. Apparently, I am training and encouraging them to be "bloodthirsty killers." What is worse, its on the local news stations facebook page, and there are people who are commenting on it that ferrets are "wild animals and they should be BANNED" And someone had the nerve to tag me when they reposted in on there page There are some ferret owners on there that have commented and said their peace, but they're very obviously outnumbered. I'm just sick of hearing about it already, I honestly feel bad for the ferret AND the baby Where in the HECK were the parents, couldn't they HEAR their baby screaming?? Was the poor thing starved? This is just ridiculous!!! I am usually a very peaceful person (and I don't like cussing) but I swear... if ONE more person says something to me about it, they're either getting cussed out, or slapped in the face... That reminds me of a woman I work with, shes an older woman with grown kids. When it was just her and her oldest she lived across the street from a woman with 7 ferrets and her son, who was i think she said 5 or 6 at the time, loved the ferrets and would go over all the time and play with them, one day the woman I work with heard him screaming (he was at the neighbors and she was setting her clothes on the line to dry) she went running over and her son was bloody all over.. apparently he'd been attacked by the ferrets. She told me this story when she found out I had ferrets and she proceeded to tell me how vicious, disgusting and horrible they are. She told me that having ferrets was like keeping a starving rabid dog. I, of course, tried to argue but she was stuck in her views- it was a battle no one was going to win and we had work to do so I think we both just let it drop. A few months later a friend of mine came over (who also works with me) and she kept going back and forth on weather she wanted to touch the ferrets (not that I was forcing them on her she said she wanted to touch them and then was like "No, I can't I'm afraid" and then a min later she was like "They look so sweet and soft" then back to no and back and fourth) Finally I said "What are you so afraid of?" and she told me the other woman at work told her that I had ferrets, just like the ones who tore up her son and commenced telling the whole story about how vicious and horrible they are and how mine must be the same because they're the same type of wild thing. I was infuriated. First of all, my parents had a ferret when I was very young. His name was max and I adored him (though now that I hear ferts are illigal in NY I wonder how all this happened, maybe they didnt used to be illigal? I was born there and eventually we moved to VA btw incase thats confusing) Anyway, my parents thought it was cute how Max and I were together so even though he would get rough with my brother and bit him once or twice (because my brother, who is a year older than me, has always had a thing for grabbing animals and trying to keep them in his arms and pet them really hard and generally likes aggrivating them. He is 23 now and is JUST stopping this behavior. Hes not a *special* kid or anything, hes actually really intelligent and in grad school but he has a thing for ticking off everyone and everything around him) Anyway my parents always watched really closely when we were playing with Max after he started lashing out with my brother, they tried to teach my brother not to do that which just made the attention hog do it more until one day Max bit him and drew blood. Now, you must understand that my uncle (my dads brother) and I are very close and have a lot in common, when he heard my parents were getting rid of max, he took him instead. He had always liked ferrets and he didn't want me to loose max, at the time he was still living with my grand parents. When he ended up moving out his girlfriend was afraid of max so max stayed with my grandparents, the older he got the more depressed he got and eventually my grandparents got in touch with a local ferret breeder who was willing to bring Max in. I visited him a few times after that, he seemed really happy with all the other ferrets.. anyway back to my point- Max never really hurt my brother, except when my brother was not handling him right. Max never bit me. It is an animal's instinct to protect itself and it doesnt care how old its precieved attacker is or weather or not they understand what they are doing. I hold a firm belief that as a parent it is the parents responsiblity to not 'fall asleep watching TV' while any pet is loose with an infant. It is the parents responisbility to know that any pet has the potential to become dangerous if it feels threatened and I hold the firm belief that in the situation in the article and the situation with the son of the woman I work with, the children were likely mistreating the poor animals involved- weather they knew/understood they were doing so or not. People get so mad when I compare animals to people but we really arent much different. If you felt a bear was attempting to attack you, be it a baby bear or a momma bear, what would you do? You would defend yourself. Well, that or run- but were more fearful than most animals. Animal v. Animal, human v. human, animal v. human-- its all the same. If someone is trying to hurt you, you defend yourself- no matter what age the attacker is and no matter weather or not the attacker is 'attacking' with the intent to attack. A man I know rescued a wolf-dog hybrid from a bad situation.. She was low content (didn't one of her grandparents was a wolf- her mom was a wolf hybrid and her dad was a dog) but if you looked at her you would think you were looking right at a pure wolf. She was actually known to play with the kids on the surrounding ranches and had even been hired for a halloween house her second halloween with my friend. Well, one day he was out playing with the dog and some kids, one of the kids went running off and the dog went after the kid - the parents of the kid saw the dog chasing their daughter and (keep in mind this is farm land) shot the poor thing in its tracks. A lot of people think an animal that looks wild is wild, no matter what the animals background is. These parents knew the dog, they had played with her themselves, they knew that even though she looked like a wolf, she was low content and they knew what that ment but because of all the bad press surrounding wolf dogs they acted with out a thought. This kind of story shows two things: One, an animal (human parent) protecting with out a thought or care of the precieved attacker or the precieved tackers intentions and Two, what happens from the after math of giving a particular breed/species/animal bad press. (There are actually wolf-dog hybrids that are recognized as a breed of dog in europ: Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, Saarloos Wolfhound)
Post by comadrejaloquita14 on Jan 12, 2011 11:34:19 GMT -5
Personally, these parents prove to me yet again that a spay/neuter program for some people is not a bad idea! HERE HERE! You should meet my friend James, he and I worked out this entire theoretical system- its not a bad idea, Ill have to tell you about it sometime
Post by mjohn143 on Jan 12, 2011 12:06:14 GMT -5
. These 'parents' do not need to keep their children, it is common sense not to leave a baby alone with any animal. It would be a good idea to post links for other news stories involving 'attacks' on children from other pets so maybe these close minded people will learn to think before they speak. Why trash other pets when in every case, it's the parents fault? Plain and simple, people do not want to take the blame, if their kid wandered off and froze to death, or fell in a pool and drowned, who's at fault? And yet every time a pet causes injury to a child, it's the pets fault and big outcry from the public to ban millions of animals for a few irresponsible owners. I own pit bulls and when you own a "dangerous" breed you get this crap on a daily basis. Might as well be walking a tiger down the street for the looks you get and god forbid you tell someone they sleep with you. I'll have to let my male pit bull know he was right about those super dangerous ferrets though, he's always feared them. I only meant that in regards to those people who were commenting that ferrets are terrible pets and wild animals. Not to put down any other animals, just simply use it as a comparison against that particular argument. Do you understand? I think it needs to be pointed out that there is a risk in owning any animal and it is the PARENTS responsibility to make sure they supervise. I just hate when people act like ferrets are terrible flesh eating wild animals that shouldn't be kept as pets, bc I guarantee that some of the people commenting negatively against ferrets own other pets.
Post by mjohn143 on Jan 12, 2011 12:08:49 GMT -5
Personally, these parents prove to me yet again that a spay/neuter program for some people is not a bad idea! I completely agree. I mean, you have to fill out an application to adopt a pet! Why not when you have children... I mean, lets face it... some people should not be parents. My mother is an elementary school teacher and she sees some pretty sad situations.
Post by mjohn143 on Jan 12, 2011 12:56:42 GMT -5
Post by shilohismygirl on Jan 12, 2011 13:32:34 GMT -5
This makes me very very angry. I just feel in my heart that a ferret couldn't do that, and even if the conditions were extreme, the ferret could not have bitten fingers off, let alone that many in a short amount of time. I think they neglected their baby and it hurt it's fingers that way, and ferrets are convenient as a scape goat. Even if the ferret did this, where the heck was the mom? I know they say she was asleep, but really, wouldn't she hear the cries and screams?? Why wasn't the ferret put away? I read this, and I keep thinking, "What are they trying to hide??"
Cageless and Roamin' Free
Posts: 255
Post by taratee on Jan 12, 2011 13:39:44 GMT -5
i just think about how hard it is to get my ferrets to eat raw even hungry when a meal is a little late they still STILL dont like to say YES FOOD and eat it, its me promising them its not evil and its not poison even some ferrets who dont have problems with eating raw have a hard time with new foods, i dont doubt a ferret could do that but in this case i just felt a sense of uneasiness and my intuition says someones lying and if the state doesnt look into the parents im going to be so furious i cannot express in words how angry im going to be
Going Natural
Posts: 192
Post by vkp23 on Jan 12, 2011 17:43:40 GMT -5
Yeah it was released that the ferret had all 7 fingers in it's system. BUT 4 of the fingers were already moved down the intestines. Even with the fast digestion in ferrets the fingers could NOT have moved down that fast. Also, the "mother" admitted to being hyped up on pain meds and vodka. Still not the ferrets fault.
Post by horse656 on Jan 12, 2011 18:53:12 GMT -5
i feel SOOOO bad about that baby, just because of the parents. the poor baby is going to loose out on a lot of things now, just because he's only got thumbs if you were in the house, you would have heard the babies screaming. there is no way you could not have. it definitely didn't take seconds to take of SEVEN fingers. it takes my girls like 10 minutes to work through a chicken wing. so, no way in h*ll is it possible that it happened in mere minutes. one article i read said the ferret was about 6 months old, and im assuming it's kibble fed, because lets face it, most people aren't that educated about their pets. so therefor this 6 month old ferret would still have a h*ll of a time getting SEVEN fingers off in what people are saying, mere minutes. so in actuality, this probably took over 10-20 minutes, if the ferret even did take of the fingers. so a baby screaming in pain for that long is hard to ignore. because i honestly think the parents are covering up for something, since they have been investigated before. i actually get really mad about these things because the parents are blaming the ferret where they should be blaming themselves. URRG. im soo mad about this. it's hard to tell isn't it.
Post by mjohn143 on Jan 12, 2011 19:03:50 GMT -5
I still don't blame the ferret even if it did eat the whole baby. It is the PARENT'S FAULT for leaving the baby where any pet had unsupervised access to it. I am just soooo mad that people can't see that! I mean, they get a bad enough rep as it is... Am I crazy to think that no infant should be left alone with a pet? This whole thing sickens me.
Post by mjohn143 on Jan 12, 2011 19:06:51 GMT -5
Yeah it was released that the ferret had all 7 fingers in it's system. BUT 4 of the fingers were already moved down the intestines. Even with the fast digestion in ferrets the fingers could NOT have moved down that fast. Also, the "mother" admitted to being hyped up on pain meds and vodka. Still not the ferrets fault. I still find that hard to believe.... I mean I know baby fingers are small, but 7? I don't see it fitting. Nor do I see a ferret eating with a baby screaming at it. This had to happen over I'd say several hours!! I mean, for some to be in the stomach and some through the digestive track already shows that there is a large time elapse. I hope someone is intelligent enough to notice this.
Going Natural
Posts: 192
Post by vkp23 on Jan 12, 2011 19:13:07 GMT -5
Yeah it's still totally the parents fault. And yeah NO pet should be left alone with a baby. PERIOD! The thing that goads me the most are #1 people calling ferrets viscous man eaters that should be banned, when people are not taking into account that not only had CPS been called on them before, but also animal control for animal neglect. What was done to that ferret to make it act like that? Can a ferret attack? Sure, any animal could. Is it likely to happen? NO! something had to have happened to the ferret either abused til it had brain damage or starved. #2 people saying it would have only taken a few seconds for the ferret to eat 7 fingers, and thus had the mother not responded quickly the baby would have no arms. There's NO WAY! No way the ferret ate 7 fingers AND digested 4 of them in a matter of seconds. There is just NO WAY!
Going Natural
Posts: 192
Post by vkp23 on Jan 12, 2011 19:15:18 GMT -5
Yeah it was released that the ferret had all 7 fingers in it's system. BUT 4 of the fingers were already moved down the intestines. Even with the fast digestion in ferrets the fingers could NOT have moved down that fast. Also, the "mother" admitted to being hyped up on pain meds and vodka. Still not the ferrets fault. I still find that hard to believe.... I mean I know baby fingers are small, but 7? I don't see it fitting. Nor do I see a ferret eating with a baby screaming at it. This had to happen over I'd say several hours!! I mean, for some to be in the stomach and some through the digestive track already shows that there is a large time elapse. I hope someone is intelligent enough to notice this. Yeah I said in another ferret forum that I hope they have an animal expert as a witness when this goes to court. Some one need to legally vouch for the fact this ISN'T normal ferret behavior and on the time it would take to not only eat 7 fingers but also to digest 4 of them.